That rattling sound you hear is me shaking my head in disgust. It's not so much that you spilled wine on the computer, not even so much that you're drinking wine, more to do with the fact that you're secure enough to admit to your entire blog-fandom that you can't hold said wine. In the future, I expect you to admit (in as deep a voice as you can muster) "damn, I just dropped my Heinie on the keyboard!" Insecurity rules for real men, Mike!
Said wine was on the arm of the couch, and I was rocking quite the fever. It was knocked over while I attempted to cover myself with every blanket within a 5-mile radius. So that was fun. The spacebar is kind of working again, but still no b or n. Good times.
And at least it was red wine (A shiraz-cabernet blend). Can I get partial credit?
#@$%!&, Mike! Life is not sociology class! Next you'll be expecting points for getting the appletini to your lips without gagging! Tough love requires me to say "no points for you!" and to assign you a regimen of six days of drinking the various Sam Adams seasonal brews until wine is just a distant memory! Prosit!
That rattling sound you hear is me shaking my head in disgust. It's not so much that you spilled wine on the computer, not even so much that you're drinking wine, more to do with the fact that you're secure enough to admit to your entire blog-fandom that you can't hold said wine. In the future, I expect you to admit (in as deep a voice as you can muster) "damn, I just dropped my Heinie on the keyboard!" Insecurity rules for real men, Mike!
Said wine was on the arm of the couch, and I was rocking quite the fever. It was knocked over while I attempted to cover myself with every blanket within a 5-mile radius. So that was fun. The spacebar is kind of working again, but still no b or n. Good times.
And at least it was red wine (A shiraz-cabernet blend). Can I get partial credit?
#@$%!&, Mike! Life is not sociology class! Next you'll be expecting points for getting the appletini to your lips without gagging! Tough love requires me to say "no points for you!" and to assign you a regimen of six days of drinking the various Sam Adams seasonal brews until wine is just a distant memory! Prosit!
Check-plus for 'appletini'.
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